"The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my time trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." -- Jack London
Senior photography for guys is all about using light and angles to create masculine imagery. Cars, trucks, hobbies and sports are all great themes when contrasted against rugged architecture or landscapes. These elements are great ways to capture your senior guy simply being himself. It's important a photographer can create images that capture who your senior is at this very moment while also creating a classical appeal that stands the test of time.
up to 4 hours, up to 3 locations + unlimited outfits, 70 edited high resolution digital images, FREE downloads + print release, fine-art eco-friendly linen 10x10 hand-made senior photo album designed by Phinney Photography, password-protected gallery for downloading images and purchasing prints + products, 25% off prints and products
up to 4 hours, up to 3 locations + unlimited outfits, 70 edited high resolution digital images, FREE downloads + print release, password-protected gallery for downloading images and purchasing prints + products, 25% off prints and products
2 hours, 2 locations + 4-5 outfits, 45 edited high resolution digital images, FREE downloads + print release, password-protected gallery for downloading images and purchasing prints + products, 20% off prints and products
30 minute session, 1 location + 1 outfit, 12 edited high resolution digital images, FREE downloads + print release, password-protected private gallery for downloading images and purchasing prints + products, Land O Lakes field + train tracks location
**Don't see something you like? I'd be glad to create customized packaging for digital +/or prints. Just send me a note under the contact tab.**