Being an English teacher, it's rare I am speechless when it comes time for me to describe one of my brides, or a family, or my sweet senior girls I get to work with. But when it comes to Clare, I certainly am. And it's not because I can't come up with words; it's because I am overwhelmed by wanting to say too much. There are so many words that come to mind. Clare is a rarity among her peers. She has overcome tremendous difficulties and setbacks in life, and she is the most strong, optimistic, faithful, talented young woman you will ever meet. She's an artist, excelling at creative writing and photography. She's an advocate, speaking up for those who struggle with Usher Syndrome and "deafblindness." She's the girl who says, "I want to change the world," and you believe her. On the lighter side, she's got the best sense of humor, knows all of the good movies to watch, and will talk your ear off about all of her many passions. As you can tell, I am a BIG Clare fan! And I can't wait to take more photos of her. Here's just Part I of her deluxe senior photo package. We'll be meeting up later this month to hit up downtown Tampa and have a great time making photographic magic together. Until then, I hope you enjoy!